Marching Band (PEP BAND) playing at this week's Kalani High Varsity Football game at Kaiser Stadium vs. Anuenue.
Busses leaves Kalani at 3:45pm (Change from 4:00pm).
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013:
Marching Band (PEP BAND) playing at this week's Kalani High Varsity Football game at Kaiser Stadium vs. Anuenue. Busses leaves Kalani at 3:45pm (Change from 4:00pm). Chicken Sale is this week Saturday, Sept. 28 from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
We still need volunteers for the afternoon shift from 11:00am - 1:30pm, only 6 students have signed up for the afternoon shift so far. Please, we need your help in this endeavor. Also, there are tickets and monies still outstanding. If it is not turned in my Monday, 9/23, we will assume all the tickets were sold and expect to collect the monies for them. Tickets was due back on Friday, Sept 13. Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013:
Marching Band (PEP BAND) playing at this week's Kalani High Varsity Football game at Kaiser Stadium vs. Nanakuli. This game is also Kalani's Homecoming. Busses leaves Kalani at 5:00pm (Change from 4:00pm). Uniform: Pep band shirt, Black long pants, and WHITE shoes. All tickets and monies from the chicken sale fundraiser is due today, by 5:00pm. If you are unable to turn them in today, it may be brought in on Sunday (Sept. 15) during marching band rehearsal from 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Students will be responsible for tickets not turned in or if they are lost. Marching Band (PEP BAND) playing at this week's Kalani High Varsity Football game at Kaiser Stadium vs. Radford.
Busses leaves Kalani at 5:30pm (Change from 5:00pm). Uniform: Pep band shirt, Black long pants, and covered shoes If you would like to donate to the Kalani High School Band Program in the Foodland's Give Aloha Matching Gifts Program, present your Maika'i card and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation for the Kalani Falcons Band Boosters. Our organization code is: 78370. Donations up to $249 will be matched in this program. Donor names will not be released to our organization. If you would like us to know of your gift, ask for two (2) receipts: One for your tax records and one to turn in to the band boosters "the box" in Mr K's office. Thank you!
Tickets for this fundraiser have been distributed to all the band students last week. Please make sure you check to see if your child has brought home the tickets.
All monies and unsold tickets are due back by Friday, September 13, 2013. Students will be responsible for the outstanding balance after that date. Chicken tickets are $10.00 for a whole rotisserie chicken. Pick up date is Saturday, September 28, 2013 From: 9:00am - 1:00pm At: the front of Kalani High School email the band if you would like to purchase tickets: [email protected] Sunday, September 9 from 3:00pm - 6:00pm, will be the last concert uniform sizing session. If you have not done your sizing, you MUST get sized on Sunday.
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Kalani Falcons Band Boosters Archives
August 2024